• Are you afraid your loved ones won’t be able to manage doctor appointments or understand instructions from healthcare professionals?

  • Do you worry they won’t get the healthcare they deserve because they can’t or won’t ask questions?

  • Do you wonder if they will receive poor medical care because you “dropped the ball” by not knowing how to advocate for them?

I get you! I was shocked at how little information was shared with my mom when she went into the hospital.

"52 percent of patients in the U.S. cannot navigate the healthcare system’s complexity without help."

~ Harvard Business Review

I searched the internet for information and easy to use tools to help busy people with jobs and families of their own help their loved ones get the care they deserve.

I couldn’t find anything, so I made my own.

Sad woman pexels cottonbro
woman and elderly man in front of laptop

health insurance in scabble blocks

2 medical personnel

Photo of Holly

Hi, I’m Holly

 I help everyday, busy people understand our mind-boggling healthcare system
and give them tools and confidence to help their loved ones get the care they deserve—without
it costing a fortune.

I'm a Board Certified Patient Advocate and I can help you guide your loved one through the U.S. healthcare system.